By Patronum
May 18, 2021
More and more of our corporate friends are including preferred pronouns within business email signatures, as well as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.
May 14, 2021
In today’s hybrid workplace it easier for work to creep further and further into your personal life. Set a clear work schedule for yourself, and resist the urge to check email or catch up on projects after hours.
May 13, 2021
One of the most common issues with the shift to remote work is cybersecurity. Without the right tools and guidance, remote employees might unknowingly compromise critical business data.
March 22, 2021
If you asked your marketing team what their main channel for digital marketing was they’d probably say LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and be busy blasting out updates on those channels.
March 08, 2021
Email Signatures are widely being used for marketing and branding purposes. You may already be using an email signature as part of your marketing strategy.
March 04, 2021
At Bespin Labs, our mission is 100% Cloud, 100% customer-focused solutions that resolve real-world issues in a safe and secure way. Our commitment to data privacy.
At Bespin Labs, our mission is 100% Cloud, 100% customer-focused solutions that resolve real-world issues safely and securely. Our commitment to data privacy and safety.
February 01, 2021
Every other Friday at 2 pm ET, that’s 7 pm in the UK, a bunch of hardcore Google Workspace administrators get together over Zoom for a live discussion about all things Google Workspace
December 18, 2020
As IT budgets for 2021 are reviewed and adjusted, many organizations are seeing the impact of COVID-19 on their priorities and tech spends.
December 14, 2020
As images of Margaret Keenan, the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer COVID-19 jab, are beamed to every TV on the planet, people and businesses.